Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Importance of the media in our society?

  The media is very important in today’s society. Media is essential to our daily needs. The media shapes public opinion and strengthens our society as a whole. The media acts as a watchdog to protect the public interest against malpractice and create public awareness. Journalists play a crucial role in exposing the truth.

President Trump has said negative things about the media since he began running for the White House in June 2015. He has called reporters “the most dishonest people.” He has called out individual reporters for being bias.

The problem is for Americans listening to Trump, this statement about reporters is taken as a fact. All reporters are not dishonest and untrustworthy. Networks such as CNN and FOX news are two major networks.

The question of which one is the better new source comes up. CNN generally puts out a greater number of stories, which focus on international issues. Fox News offers longer news items with extended story lines.

However, one thing is for sure, both networks show the division in America. In the election, there was a bold separation between Trump supporters and Clinton supporters. The two groups did not agree on anything.

There was never a discussion about what the two groups did agree about. Instead, arguments about what needed to be changed. The United States has become very politically polarized. Social Media has reinforced attitudes and ideas. The problem is, there is too much information available for Americans.

Some Americans are irresponsible with social media. They reinforce negative attitudes and it spreads like a wildfire. Social media websites are some of the most popular on the internet. They have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize on the Web.

Social media have inspired mass movements including the Black Lives Matter Movement. Many people unfortunately saw this group as radicalism, labeling them a terrorist group. Some Americans wanted the Southern Poverty Law Center to name the group as a hate group.
The list is cited extensively by journalists, academics, and government officials, they help people understand extremism in America. However, they labeled the group as a movement that stands for “black lives also matter.” They were not labeled a hate group. 

This is an example of how the media can have positive and negative effects on groups of people. They can form your opinion without concrete facts. We as Americans, have to be careful to not abuse this power. Our society as a whole still does not accept the existence of racial injustice. This is why our president’s rhetoric is so important. Reinforced stereotypes should not be allowed in today’s society.