Sunday, January 17, 2016

2016 Presidential Campaign


                               President Obama's presidency is coming to an end. When President Obama began his campaign in 2006, many people thought his presidency would not happen. However, since being elected, he has had more success than failure. Obama has had an impact on student loan tax rates declining. Under his presidency, gay marriage was legalized, and  healthcare laws have changed. President Obama also continues to inspire Americans with the most powerful speeches.           
                                  The question is, who will be the next president? President Obama is leaving a trailblazing image, cleaning up a long list of turmoil from president George W. Bush. The next president definitely has big shoes to fill. Our economy has drastically improved. The spotlight has been taken from high gas prices and unemployment. Unhappy Americans are given opportunities for better lives with this reformed economy.
                                 The 2016 Presidential Campaign has been a circus. The leading candidates are Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. For the Republican nomination, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are leading.
                                Hilary Clinton's campaign focuses on topics like gun violence prevention, health care, immigration reform, and the economy. Clinton wants to raise the incomes for hard-working Americans. Candidate Bernie Sanders issues deal with income and wealth inequality. Also a unique issue, to make college tuition debt free. In addition, Sanders wants to raise big money from politics while restoring democracy. Sanders campaign trail will stop in Birmingham, Alabama tomorrow Jan 18. Americans like me will gather to hear him discuss his campaign.
                                Ted Cruz's potential nominations for the Republican party focus is on equal opportunity. However, Cruz's plans are traditional and conservative. Lastly, Donald Trump's campaign in which has created a spectacle. Trump attacks other candidate's on social media. He also confronts anyone who is not in agreement with him. Trump has recently attacked Samuel L. Jackson, who is an actor. Is this a president America wants? Trump's campaign focus is drug policies, the economy, education, and the environment.
                            How can America be great again? It is important to have a strong leader in a president. In conclusion, we as citizens can contribute as well. Together we can create change.

           -Jeremy R. Hilson, student of the Hall of Journalism at Troy University
            My blog focus is  The 2016 Presidential Candidates.
            My publication plan is weekly.
            The goal for my blog is to contribute to my writing skills.